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Takeda Company has the essay chance to go bankruptcy because it johnson more likely able to pay the debt in the emergency. Also, for the liability-to-equity ratio and debt-to-equity ratio below, we can see Takeda has much lower liability than its equity which indicates company collects enough money and spend essay on computer science engineering for its wale.
For the investment decision, I used not only company's financial information using BAV file but also portfolio analysis and which I did on assignment 2. But, in the real world, anything will happen, so I decided to reduce my investment default risk by diversifying my investment weight.

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Because of Takeda's lack of investment plan for the future market, I justified my investment assumptions as follows.

The strength of Dell is cost efficiency. Dell's marketing method, direct to customer business model, is very unique. Dell does not have inventory, BTO style Built to order.

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On the other hand, in most developing countries, people do not use PC. However, the demand of PC will be increased in these areas.

Like China, the demand of PC would be increased with growth of GDP. Moreover the network of Dell is very broad over the world. In the world the number of PC user increase and exceed 1 billion by The threat is competitors which sell their product cheaper price. The HP and Acer sold their product with cheaper price. HP has similar strength with Dell.

In addition the cost of PC component is increased, so the price of PC of Dell also increased. Dell has sold their product cheaper price but Dell cannot keep their price cheaper. The other competitor will emerge like Acer and HP because of higher demand of PC in developing country.

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