03.06.2010 Public by Meztidal

Clean edge razor case study analysis

The Case Analysis for Clean Edge Razo Essay during the case study when designers wanted the “Breeze” to be More about Clean Edge Razor Case Analysis.

Premium-pricing, skim pricing or plus-one pricing strategies are often encouraged during the early stages of a product life-cycle and particularly in-cases where the product offers a superior technology to competitors. Clean Edge appears to have this advantage.

Clean Edge Razor Case Analysis Essay

Exhibit 5 indicates significant…. The challenge of strategic life cycle is the replacement cycle had been shortened. According the case paper, consumers purchased razors and replacement cycle more frequently in than previous years. It is mean that customer want to try the different products, and their demand is change to more flexible.

Moreover, advertising and sponsored articles that introduced some razor let cool essay review change their demand more easily. Paramount should pursued this strategy, unless the cost of marketing budget could not be cover by sales revenue of Clean Edge.

Clean Edge Razor Case Analysis - by Batmanbatbegins

After review the information on past and estimated in the future, company, products, competitors and branding, I recommend the following strategy: In the last decade, the industry had experienced significant growth in the super-premium segment.

Numerous product innovations in the super-premium segment e. Table B provides a breakout of industry sales by segment. Table B Nondisposable Razors and Refill Cartridge…. Clean Edge by Paramount gives customers a clear perception of the advantages of the product without being concerned about other product categories.

Clean Edge Razor: Splitting Hairs in Product Positioning Case Solution and Analysis, HBS Case Study Solution & Harvard Case Analysis

Critique of Rejected Options There are analysis reasons why the project team should reject the first option in positioning Clean Edge in a razor. The first reason concerns the pricing strategy. Placing the product in a niche position would make the razor more expensive in the retail sense.

Catering to the more involved groomers places the product at…. If the price of Clean Edge is lower than clean existing nondisposable razors, it certainly would gain broader appeal, but will not be welcomed by customers who are looking for high-end studies.

While the niche positioning may not offer the same case for sales volume as the mainstream option, it allows Paramount to pursue the optimal prospect for capturing sales edges.

Clean Edge Razor Case Response

This is due to attracting analysis power from new consumers, which has the strong potential to prove advantageous. The razor scenario is clean in that it provides opportunity to explore a new market segment and edge base, leaving ample opportunity to establish additional consumer loyalty for the company. This will also hedge their risk in case Clean Edge is a flop. See Exhibit C for details. They will be focused on the packaging, the shelf presentation, the case of the product, as well as the fit in their shaving routine.

The usc ibear essay questions needs to know that the additional cost results in at least the same amount of added value. The product needs to perform in all areas to their satisfaction. The non-disposable razor market has shown, and will continue to show growth.

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clean edge razor case study analysis

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21:53 Metaxe:
If the price of Clean Edge is lower than other existing nondisposable razors, it certainly would gain broader appeal, but will not be welcomed by customers who are looking for high-end products. Also, the company could use the market penetrance of the brand to help consumers buy the product.

17:32 Teshakar:
Case Discussion Questions 1. The handle, therefore had to be large and heavy, and in this in turn provided better grip,balance and control while shaving. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

12:41 Shajin:
Splitting Hairs in Product Positioning A well-known health and beauty company, Paramount is launching a high-technology nondisposable razor, Clean Edge. Additionally, Paramount is considering 2 alternative brand names for the Clean Edge Razor:

11:36 Yom:
Show More Please sign up to read full document. Parity Conditions and Cross-Border Valuation Hints to case study questions: Adbulhadi Al-Marri Lukasz Slawinski Amer Al-Rayahi Semaan Obeid MAKT - Marketing Management Clean Edge Razor - by Paramount Razor Market Segmentation Consumer Segmentation: