Cow essay in english for class 5 - Words Essay for Kids on the cow
Cow Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and Find paragraph, long and short essay on Cow for your Kids, Children and Students.

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My Classroom Essay- An English Essay On My Classroom For Kids Of Class 1 to 5
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She can identify her child by smell. Isn't it a miracle.

Hence my mother is the most valuable, respectable asset of application letter promotion life.
These mothers had brought on the earth three most influencing personalities Lord Rama please be upon him, Jesus please be upon him and Prophet Mohammad Sallallaho Alehi Wasallam.

Islam says that at the time of Akhirat after the complete devastation the path of Jannat go below the foot didn do homework mother of every Muslim. And father will open the door of Jannat. Role of Mother in Our Life: It is not wrong or illogical to say that it is the mother who first teach us about the God ; who is the cause and reason for the creation of this beautiful world.

Mother cares us, nurtures us, build us, and teach us with more than sufficient responsibility. She is responsible for clothing, feeding, looking after and controlling their children.
Essay on Cow
She is the first to teach the children about obedience the most valuable learning of the childhood. Also its the duty of a mother to make sure children are physically, mentally, psychologically in their good condition.
We must remember by imagining our childhood when she was dying for providing us everything. She used to feed us such thing ; which was as costly as she could not eat herself.

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