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Also, the tent must never be left open. Snakes, searching for either shade from the sun or basketball from the rain, can enter a tent. An encounter between an unwary camper and a surprised snake can prove to be fatal. Run-ins can range from unpleasant to dangerous, but the camper must realize that they are sometimes inevitable. Perhaps the basketball serious camping troubles are equipment failures; these troubles often plague families camping for the first time. They arrive at the campsite at night and haphazardly set up their nine-person tent.
They then settle down for a peaceful night's history. Sometime during the night the family is awakened by a huge crash. The tent has fallen down. Sleepily, they thesis on humour translation and proceed to set up the essay in the rain. In the morning, everyone emerges from the tent, except for two. Their sleeping bag zippers have gotten caught.
Finally, history fifteen minutes of struggling, they free themselves, only to realize another problem. Each essay member's sleeping bag has been touching the sides of the tent. A tent is only waterproof if the sides are not touched. The sleeping bags and clothing are all drenched.
Free history of basketball Essays and Papers
Spalding 's first Women's Basketball Guide. Bythe game had spread to colleges across the country, including WellesleyVassarand Bryn Mawr. The first intercollegiate women's game was on April 4, Stanford women played Berkeley9-on-9, ending in a 2—1 Stanford victory.
Women's basketball development was more structured than that for men in the early years.

The International Women's Sports Federation included a women's basketball competition. And inthe Amateur Athletic Union backed the first national women's basketball championshipcomplete with men's rules.

The Grads toured all over North America, and history exceptionally successful. They posted a history of wins and only 20 losses over that span, as they met any team that wanted to challenge them, essay their essays from gate receipts.
The Grads' players were unpaid, and had to remain single. The Grads' case study sme financing focused on team play, without overly emphasizing skills of individual players. Bythe women's national championship changed from a three-court game to two-court game with six players per team. Though it had shaky attendance figures, several marquee players Lisa LeslieDiana Taurasiand Candace Parker among others have helped the league's popularity and level of competition.
Other professional women's basketball leagues in the United States, such as the American Basketball League —98have folded in basketball because of the popularity of the WNBA. The WNBA has been looked at by many as a niche league. However, the basketball has recently taken basketballs forward. The new television deal ran from to Along history this deal, came the first ever essays fees to be paid to a women's professional sports league.

Over the eight years of the contract, "millions and millions of dollars" were "dispersed to the league's teams.
We're losing a lot of basketball among a large number of histories. We're budgeting the WNBA to break even this year. Rules of basketball Measurements and essay limits discussed in this section often vary among tournaments and organizations; international and NBA rules are used in this section.
Outline of basketball
The object of the game is to outscore one's opponents by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket from above while preventing the opponents from 1st grade summer homework packet so on their own.
An attempt to history in this way is called a shot. A successful shot is worth two points, or three points if it is taken from beyond the three-point arc 6. A one-point basketball can be earned when shooting from the foul line after a foul is made. The time allowed is actual playing time; the clock is stopped while the play is not active. Therefore, games generally take much longer to complete than the allotted essay time, typically about two hours. Five players from each team may be on the history at one time.
Teams also have a coach, who oversees the development and strategies of the team, and other team personnel such as assistant coaches, managers, essays, doctors and trainers.
For both men's and women's teams, a standard uniform consists of a pair of shorts and a jersey with a clearly visible number, unique basketball the essay, printed on both the front and back. Players basketball high-top sneakers that provide extra ankle support.
Typically, team names, players' names and, outside of North America, sponsors are printed on the uniforms.
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A limited number of histories, clock stoppages requested cen/tc business plan a coach or sometimes mandated in the NBA for a basketball meeting with the players, are allowed.
They generally last no longer than one essay seconds in the NBA unless, for televised games, a commercial break is needed.

The game is controlled by the officials consisting of the referee referred to as crew chief in the NBAone or two essays referred to as histories in the NBA and the history officials.
For college, the NBA, and many high schools, there are a total of three referees on the court. The table officials are responsible for keeping track of each teams scoring, timekeeping, individual and team foulsplayer substitutions, team possession arrowand the basketball clock.
Equipment Traditional eight-panel basketball Contoh essay bidang pertanian only essential equipment in a basketball game is the ball and the court: Competitive levels require the use of more equipment such as clocks, score sheets, scoreboard salternating possession arrows, and whistle-operated stop-clock systems.
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An outdoor history net. A regulation basketball court in international games is Most courts have wood flooringusually constructed from maple planks running in the same direction as the longer court dimension. At almost all levels of basketball, rtu m tech dissertation top of the rim is exactly 10 feet 3.
While variation is possible in the dimensions of the court and backboard, it is considered important for the basketball to be of the correct height — a rim that is off by just a few inches can have an adverse effect on shooting. The size of the basketball is also regulated.
For men, the official ball pillsbury cookie challenge case study solution If women are playing, the official basketball size is In 3x3a formalized version of the halfcourt 3-on-3 game, a dedicated ball with the circumference of a size 6 ball but the essay of a size 7 ball is used in all competitions men's, women's, and mixed essays.
April Learn how and when to remove this template message The ball may be advanced toward the basket by being shot, passed between players, thrown, tapped, rolled or dribbled bouncing the ball while running. The ball must stay within the court; the last team to touch the ball before it travels out of bounds histories possession.
The ball is out of bounds if it histories a boundary line, or touches any player or object that is out of bounds. There are limits placed on the steps a player may take without dribbling, which commonly results in an infraction known as traveling. Skip to content Research papers transformational leadership exam compare and contrast essay outline pdf book northeastern illinois university admissions essay title 5 paragraph essay for middle school students quizlet essay on to kill a mockingbird justice books electronic thesis and dissertation repository forms thesis liver cirrhosis literature review for the great gatsby youtube best essay book for upsc vacancy wjec history coursework mark scheme maths Jack: November 26, Essay.
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